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放大字體  縮小字體 發布日期:2022-01-02 13:20:43    作者:馮嘉恩    瀏覽次數:62

編譯 | 未玖Nature, 23 December 2021, VOL 600, ISSUE 7890《自然》2021年12月23日,第600卷,7890期天文學AstronomyVery-high-frequency oscillations in the main peak of a magnetar giant flare磁星巨型耀斑主

編譯 | 未玖

Nature, 23 December 2021, VOL 600, ISSUE 7890



Very-high-frequency oscillations in the main peak of a magnetar giant flare


▲ 感謝分享:A. J. Castro-Tirado, N. ?stgaard, E. G??ü?, C. Sánchez-Gil, J. Pascual-Granado, V. Reglero, et al.

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研究組報道了在NGC 253星系方向得一個巨大γ射線耀斑得主峰上,觀測到兩個大約在2132赫茲和4250赫茲得寬QPOs,3.5毫秒后消失。



▲ Abstract

Magnetars are strongly magnetized, isolated neutron stars with magnetic fields up to around 1015?gauss, luminosities of approximately 1031-1036?ergs?per second and rotation periods of about 0.3–12.0?s. Very energetic giant flares from galactic magnetars (peak luminosities of 1044-1047?ergs?per second, lasting approximately 0.1?s) have been detected in hard X-rays and soft γ-rays, and only one has been detected from outside our galaxy. During such giant flares, quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) with low (less than 150?hertz) and high (greater than 500?hertz) frequencies have been observed, but their statistical significance has been questioned. High-frequency QPOs have been seen only during the tail phase of the flare. Here we report the observation of two broad QPOs at approximately 2,132?hertz and 4,250?hertz in the main peak of a giant γ-ray flare in the direction of the NGC?253 galaxy, disappearing after 3.5?milliseconds. The flare was detected on 15?April?上年 by the Atmosphere–Space Interactions Monitor instrument aboard the International Space Station, which was the only instrument that recorded the main burst phase (0.8–3.2?milliseconds) in the full energy range (50×103~40×106?electronvolts) without suffering from saturation effects such as deadtime and pile-up. Along with sudden spectral variations, these extremely high-frequency oscillations in the burst peak are a crucial component that will aid our understanding of magnetar giant flares.


Quantum theory based on real numbers can be experimentally falsified


▲ 感謝分享:Marc-Olivier Renou, David Trillo, Mirjam Weilenmann, Thinh P. Le, Armin Tavakoli, Nicolas Gisin, et al.

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▲ Abstract

Although complex numbers are essential in mathematics, they are not needed to describe physical experiments, as those are expressed in terms of probabilities, hence real numbers. Physics, however, aims to explain, rather than describe, experiments through theories. Although most theories of physics are based on real numbers, quantum theory was the first to be formulated in terms of operators acting on complex Hilbert spaces. This has puzzled countless physicists, including the fathers of the theory, for whom a real version of quantum theory, in terms of real operators, seemed much more natural. In fact, previous studies have shown that such a ‘real quantum theory’ can reproduce the outcomes of any multipartite experiment, as long as the parts share arbitrary real quantum states. Here we investigate whether complex numbers are actually needed in the quantum formalism. We show this to be case by proving that real and complex Hilbert-space formulations of quantum theory make different predictions in network scenarios comprising independent states and measurements. This allows us to devise a Bell-like experiment, the successful realization of which would disprove real quantum theory, in the same way as standard Bell experiments disproved local physics.

Quantum anomalous Hall effect from intertwined moiré bands


▲ 感謝分享:Tingxin Li, Shengwei Jiang, Bowen Shen, Yang Zhang, Lizhong Li, Zui Tao, et al.

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▲ Abstract

Electron correlation and topology are two central threads of modern condensed matter physics. Semiconductor moiré materials provide a highly tuneable platform for studies of electron correlation. Correlation-driven phenomena, including the Mott insulator, generalized Wigner crystals, stripe phases and continuous Mott transition, have been demonstrated. However, non-trivial band topology has remained unclear. Here we report the observation of a quantum anomalous Hall effect in AB-stacked MoTe2 /WSe2 moiré heterobilayers. Unlike in the AA-stacked heterobilayers, an out-of-plane electric field not only controls the bandwidth but also the band topology by intertwining moiré bands centred at different layers. At half band filling, corresponding to one particle per moiré unit cell, we observe quantized Hall resistance, h/e2 (with h and e denoting the Planck’s constant and electron charge, respectively), and vanishing longitudinal resistance at zero magnetic field. The electric-field-induced topological phase transition from a Mott insulator to a quantum anomalous Hall insulator precedes an insulator-to-metal transition. Contrary to most known topological phase transitions, it is not accompanied by a bulk charge gap closure. Our study paves the way for discovery of emergent phenomena arising from the combined influence of strong correlation and topology in semiconductor moiré materials.

材料科學Materials Science

Spin splitting of dopant edge state in magnetic zigzag graphene nanoribbons


▲ 感謝分享:Raymond E. Blackwell, Fangzhou Zhao, Erin Brooks, Junmian Zhu, Ilya Piskun, Shenkai Wang, et al.

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▲ Abstract

Spin-ordered electronic states in hydrogen-terminated zigzag nanographene give rise to magnetic quantum phenomena that have sparked renewed interest in carbon-based spintronics. Zigzag graphene nanoribbons (ZGNRs)—quasi one-dimensional semiconducting strips of graphene bounded by parallel zigzag edges—host intrinsic electronic edge states that are ferromagnetically ordered along the edges of the ribbon and antiferromagnetically coupled across its width. Despite recent advances in the bottom-up synthesis of GNRs featuring symmetry protected topological phases and even metallic zero mode bands, the unique magnetic edge structure of ZGNRs has long been obscured from direct observation by a strong hybridization of the zigzag edge states with the surface states of the underlying support. Here, we present a general technique to thermodynamically stabilize and electronically decouple the highly reactive spin-polarized edge states by introducing a superlattice of substitutional N-atom dopants along the edges of a ZGNR. First-principles GW calculations and scanning tunnelling spectroscopy reveal a giant spin splitting of low-lying nitrogen lone-pair flat bands by an exchange field (~850 tesla) induced by the ferromagnetically ordered edge states of ZGNRs. Our findings directly corroborate the nature of the predicted emergent magnetic order in ZGNRs and provide a robust platform for their exploration and functional integration into nanoscale sensing and logic devices.

High-entropy polymer produces a giant electrocaloric effect at low fields


▲ 感謝分享:Xiaoshi Qian, Donglin Han, Lirong Zheng, Jie Chen, Madhusudan Tyagi, Qiang Li, et al.

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十多年來對電卡(EC)效應得研究已產生了滿足制冷熱泵所需得蕞低5K EC溫度變化得EC材料和EC多層芯片。但這些EC溫度變化是通過施加高電場(接近其介電擊穿強度)產生得,這導致EC性能得快速退化和疲勞。

研究組報道了一類EC聚合物,在50 MV m?1下,EC熵變為37.5 J kg?1?K?1,溫度變化為7.5 K,在相同場強下,與蕞先進得EC聚合物相比,提高了275%。



▲ Abstract

More than a decade of research on the electrocaloric (EC) effect has resulted in EC materials and EC multilayer chips that satisfy a minimum EC temperature change of 5?K required for caloric heat pumps. However, these EC temperature changes are generated through the application of high electric fields (close to their dielectric breakdown strengths), which result in rapid degradation and fatigue of EC performance. Here we report a class of EC polymer that exhibits an EC entropy change of 37.5?J?kg?1?K?1 and a temperature change of 7.5?K under 50?MV?m?1, a 275% enhancement over the state-of-the-art EC polymers under the same field strength. We show that converting a small number of the chlorofluoroethylene groups in poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene-chlorofluoroethylene) terpolymer into covalent double bonds markedly increases the number of the polar entities and enhances the polar–nonpolar interfacial areas of the polymer. The polar phases in the polymer adopt a loosely correlated, high-entropy state with a low energy barrier for electric-field-induced switching. The polymer maintains performance for more than one million cycles at the low fields necessary for practical EC cooling applications, suggesting that this strategy may yield materials suitable for use in caloric heat pumps.


Unrepresentative big surveys significantly overestimated US vaccine uptake


▲ 感謝分享:Valerie C. Bradley, Shiro Kuriwaki, Michael Isakov, Dino Sejdinovic, Xiao-Li Meng & Seth Flaxman

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研究組通過Delphi-Facebook(每周約25萬份回復)和Census Household Pulse(每兩周約7.5萬份回復)這兩項大型調查,對2021年1月9日至5月19日期間美國成年人首次接種COV發布者會員賬號-19疫苗進行估計,來證明該悖論。

與疾病控制和預防中心于2021年5月26日發布得追溯更新基準相比,Delphi-Facebook在2021年5月高估了17個百分點,Census Household Pulse則高估了14個百分點。此外,他們龐大得樣本量導致錯誤估計得誤差微乎其微。相比之下,Axios-Ipsos得一個在線小組在調查研究可靠些實踐后每周約有1000份回復,提供了可靠得估計和不確定性量化。



▲ Abstract

Surveys are a crucial tool for understanding public opinion and behaviour, and their accuracy depends on maintaining statistical representativeness of their target populations by minimizing biases from all sources. Increasing data size shrinks confidence intervals but magnifies the effect of survey bias: an instance of the Big Data Paradox. Here we demonstrate this paradox in estimates of first-dose COV發布者會員賬號-19 vaccine uptake in US adults from 9 January to 19 May 2021 from two large surveys: Delphi–Facebook (about 250,000 responses per week) and Census Household Pulse (about 75,000 every two weeks). In May 2021, Delphi–Facebook overestimated uptake by 17 percentage points (14–20 percentage points with 5% benchmark imprecision) and Census Household Pulse by 14 (11–17 percentage points with 5% benchmark imprecision), compared to a retroactively updated benchmark the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published on 26 May 2021. Moreover, their large sample sizes led to miniscule margins of error on the incorrect estimates. By contrast, an Axios–Ipsos online panel with about 1,000 responses per week following survey research best practices provided reliable estimates and uncertainty quantification. We decompose observed error using a recent analytic framework to explain the inaccuracy in the three surveys. We then analyse the implications for vaccine hesitancy and willingness. We show how a survey of 250,000 respondents can produce an estimate of the population mean that is no more accurate than an estimate from a simple random sample of size 10. Our central message is that data quality matters more than data quantity, and that compensating the former with the latter is a mathematically provable losing proposition.

本文為馮嘉恩推薦作品?作者: 馮嘉恩。歡迎轉載,轉載請注明原文出處:http://www.bangpiao.com.cn/news/show-258572.html 。本文僅代表作者個人觀點,本站未對其內容進行核實,請讀者僅做參考,如若文中涉及有違公德、觸犯法律的內容,一經發現,立即刪除,作者需自行承擔相應責任。涉及到版權或其他問題,請及時聯系我們郵件:weilaitui@qq.com。

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